Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance:

We highly recommend our valuable customer to have valid travel insurance policy paper. Before start your trip you should cheek insurance paper that will protects you from unfavorable circumstances. The insurance must cover all the medical expenses personal accident, emergency helicopter evacuation, flight cancellation, trip cancellation due to natural disaster, loss of gear etc. This is especially mandatory for those who are going for trekking and expedition in high altitude. Make sure that your travel insurance covers activities in the Himalayas if you are participating in them.

Note: As per the insurance policy of Nepal Government, foreigners are not permitted to get travel insurance from Nepal so you should make sure that you have issued your travel insurance policy from your country.

Travel Insurance for Trekking in Nepal

Anyone planning to trek in Nepal needs travel insurance. Nepal's rugged terrain, high altitudes, and remote locations pose various risks, making travel insurance a vital component of trip planning. Moreover, most of the trekking route mandatory demands a travel insurance with emergency air evacuation coverage.

By investing in comprehensive travel insurance tailored to the demands of your trekking destination, you can focus on enjoying the sensational beauty of the Himalayas while having the assurance of assistance in case of emergencies. Travel insurance gives you the privilege to trek freely.

Why is travel insurance necessary for trekkers in Nepal?

  • Trekking in Nepal often involves ascending to high altitudes, where the air is thin & oxygen levels are lower. Trekkers may get altitude sickness as they ascend if they are not well-acclimated. In severe cases, altitude sickness can lead to life-threatening conditions like high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE).
  • Well-covered travel insurance provides coverage for medical expenses related to altitude sickness treatment, including consultations with doctors, medications, and emergency evacuation if required. Nepal's trekking routes traverse remote and rugged terrain, far from medical facilities and emergency services.
  • In the event of injuries, such as fractures or sprains, immediate medical attention is crucial. Travel insurance covers the costs of emergency evacuation via helicopter to the nearest medical facility capable of providing adequate treatment. Without insurance, the expenses associated with helicopter evacuation can be excessive, potentially leading to financial strain for trekkers.
  • Similarly, the Himalayas have unpredictable and rapidly changing weather. You may encounter unexpected weather-related challenges that disrupt your plans or pose safety risks. Travel insurance offers coverage for trip interruptions or cancellations due to adverse weather conditions, reimbursing trekkers for non-refundable expenses like accommodations, permits, and transportation.
  • Finally, as you traverse uneven trails and steep uphill and downhill routes, there are risks of accidents like falls, twists, or slips that can give you minor cuts and bruises to fractures or sprains. Travel insurance provides financial protection by covering medical expenses for injuries sustained during the trek, including hospitalization, treatment, and rehabilitation.
  • So, overall, you will need well-covered travel insurance for trekking in Nepal. It must include emergency air evacuation and medical bills. Along with that you can also cover the refund for trip cancellation because of unfavorable weather, flight cancellation, and theft/loss/damage of personal belongings.

Considerations for choosing travel insurance for trekking in Nepal


  • Ensure that the insurance policy provides adequate coverage limits for medical expenses, emergency evacuation, and other essential benefits.
  • Confirm that the policy covers adventure activities like trekking at high altitudes, as some standard travel insurance plans may exclude such activities.
  • Review the policy exclusions carefully to understand what is not covered, such as pre-existing medical conditions or certain high-risk activities.
  • Verify that the insurance coverage aligns with the duration of your trekking itinerary, including any pre or post-trek travel.
  • Keep a copy of your travel insurance policy, including emergency contact numbers, with you at all times during the trek.